Two top terrorists associated with the Pakistan-based outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba were killed in an encounter with security forces in Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama on Monday, officials said. The slain terrorists have been identified as Kashmir Valley operational commander Riyaz Shethri and his associate Rayees Dar.
Riyaz Shethri, active since 2015, was categorized as an A+ terrorist for his involvement in more than 20 terror-related incidents, including targeted killings, grenade attacks, and terror recruitment. He had a bounty of 10 lakh rupees on his head.
The encounter took place after security forces received intelligence about the presence of terrorists in the area. A joint operation was launched by the Indian Army, CRPF, and local police, leading to the successful neutralization of the high-profile targets.
This operation marks a significant blow to Lashkar-e-Taiba’s operations in the region and underscores the continued efforts of security forces to combat terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir.