On Monday, Congress leader Sonia Gandhi expressed optimism about the upcoming Lok Sabha election results, stating her belief that they will be starkly different from the exit polls. “We have to wait, just wait and see,” she told PTI, adding, “We are very hopeful that our results are completely opposite to what the exit polls are showing.”
Sonia Gandhi made these remarks after attending an event at the DMK office in Chennai, where she paid tribute to DMK stalwart M. Karunanidhi on his 100th birth anniversary. She reflected on her past interactions with Karunanidhi, appreciating his wisdom and advice.
Most exit polls have predicted a strong performance for Prime Minister Narendra Modi, with the BJP-led NDA expected to secure a significant majority in the Lok Sabha polls. Some polls suggest the NDA might win over 350 seats, far exceeding the majority mark of 272.
However, the Congress and other INDIA bloc parties have dismissed these exit polls as “fantasy.” Former Congress president Rahul Gandhi referred to them as “Modi media polls,” expressing skepticism about their accuracy. Congress leaders claim that the INDIA bloc will win 295 seats and form the next government.
The political landscape remains tense as the nation awaits the official election results, which are scheduled to be announced on Tuesday