In the murder case of Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU) Doaba leader Amandeep Singh, also known as Amna Pandori, the main accused, Daanveer Singh Cheena, alias DC Nurpura, has been arrested by the police. In connection with this case, the court has extended the remand of previously arrested BKU district president Jaspreet Singh Jassi Dhatt by two more days. DC Nurpura, also a local leader of a farmers’ organization, has brought some relief to Ludhiana Rural Police following the arrests of the main accused.
After interrogating Jassi Dhatt, additional suspects—Gaggi, Raja, Boota Singh, and Jashan—were also named in the case. SSP Navneet Singh Bains is personally monitoring the investigation, with the CIA staff assisting in apprehending the suspects. A murder case had been registered at the Raikot City police station against Jassi Dhatt, DC Nurpura, and other unidentified individuals, with the police now identifying these unknown suspects.
The Diwali Night Murder Incident
On Diwali night, October 1, around 11:30 pm, DC Nurpura and his associates killed Amna Pandori at the farmers’ union office in Raikot. According to reports, the root of the conflict lay in a love marriage between Amna Pandori and Gagandeep Kaur. After their marriage, when Gagandeep was about to move to England, DC Nurpura allegedly incited her against Amna, claiming that he had lied about his caste and property, which heightened tensions between the couple.
Escalation on Social Media Led to Violent Outcome
Due to the escalating conflict, Amna and DC began exchanging jibes on social media, which intensified the feud. Finally, on the night of October 1, both parties arranged a confrontation. During this encounter, DC Nurpura fired two shots from his licensed revolver, one of which struck Amna in the head, killing him instantly.