Amid recent clashes in Brampton between small groups of Sikhs and Hindus, a Sikh businessman from Brampton voiced deep concern over these events, emphasizing that the majority of the Indian diaspora, including both Sikh and Hindu communities, reject violence and are united in the call for peace. “My Hindu and Sikh brothers are troubled and praying for harmony,” he stated, adding that these incidents do not reflect the sentiments of the broader community, which values mutual respect and peaceful coexistence.
Quoting the Sikh teaching, “Maanas ki Jaat sabeh eke pehchaan bo” (recognize the human race as one), he stressed the need for solidarity and understanding within Canada’s diverse Indian communities.
Both communities have spoken out against the incidents. The Ontario Sikhs and Gurudwara Council condemned the violence at the Hindu Sabha Mandir, while the Hindu Federation denounced a retaliatory act at Malton Sikh Temple, underscoring that these incidents have no support from the organizations or the community.
Places of worship, like temples and gurudwaras, he emphasized, are sacred spaces symbolizing spiritual unity and should never be used as sites of protest or violence. Both Sikh and Hindu leaders, he urged, must handle this situation carefully to prevent further escalation, upholding the Sikh principle of “sarbat da bhala” (welfare for all).
As an advocate for peace, the businessman stressed that members of both communities need to stand together, honoring shared Indian culture and Sikh teachings.