Along with Maharashtra’s former minister and a big leader of NCP Ajit Pawar’s group, Baba Siddiqui, who had a good hold in Bollywood, has also got a Ludhiana connection in the murder case. After the inputs of Mumbai Crime Branch team and Ludhiana Counter Intelligence, the CIA-2 team has arrested accused Sujit Kumar, who lives in Gatkopar Kamaraj Nagar area of Mumbai, involved in this murder. Sujit Kumar had come to his in-laws’ house in Ram Nagar area of Mundian.
After getting inputs about the accused, ADCP Amandeep Singh Barar was put on duty by the officers. The police team led by ADCP Crime Amandeep Singh Barar cordoned off the area where the accused was and arrested him. Accused Sujit Kumar had put money in the account of accused Nitin, who had done all the recce about Baba Siddiqui.
Accused Sujit was wanted in the case.
ADCP Crime Amandeep Singh Barar said that Inspector Shyam Nair and Inspector Arun Thora of Mumbai Crime Branch had arrived. After this, his inputs and the inputs of Inspector Kailash and Inspector Bikramjit Singh of Ludhiana Counter Intelligence team were received that the accused Sujit Singh is wanted by the police in this case and is involved in the Baba Siddiqui murder case.
The accused was handed over to Mumbai Crime Branch
It was learnt that the accused had come to his in-laws’ house in Ramnagar area of Mundian. After this, the police gathered all the information about the accused and made a plan and arrested the accused. The police arrested the accused and handed him over to the Mumbai Crime Branch team. At the same time, information about this has also been given to the senior police officials.