Punjab, April 30
In a heartbreaking incident, the four-year-old daughter of Punjab IPS couple, Fatehgarh Sahib SSP Ravjot Grewal and Jagraon SSP Navneet Bains, passed away on Tuesday morning. The young girl, Naira, succumbed to complications arising from food getting lodged in her throat.
Sources reveal that the tragic incident occurred while Naira was eating, with food becoming lodged in her throat, leading to respiratory distress. Despite immediate efforts to assist her, including rushing her to a private hospital in Mohali, doctors were unable to save her, pronouncing her dead upon arrival.
The loss has left the family and the community devastated. The final rites for Naira will take place at the crematorium in Industrial Area Phase-7, Mohali, as loved ones come together to bid farewell to the cherished young soul.